Lavender Lip Balm 15ml
Lavender Lip Balm 15ml
Made entirely from food safe ingredients means you can be confident you are using a perfectly safe product which doesn’t just make your lips feel softer they actually provide nourishment too. Cocoa butter, an emollient, has a texture which quickly penetrates the lips leaving them feeling smooth and soft. Both coconut and olive oils have excellent moisturising properties which make them perfect for chapped lips, they condition and restore healthy lips in the hot or cold weather. Candelilla wax (extracted from the Candelilla shrub) is fast-absorbing and an excellent nourishing lip conditioner.
Lavender Essential Oil helps repair your lips moisture barrier and will also improve their elasticity and firmness making them heal faster due to its soothing and healing properties.
Ingredients (Allergens in bold)
Olea Europaea, Cocos Nucifera Oil, Candelilla Cera, Theobroma Cacao, Lavandula Angustifolia, *Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool
*Naturally occurring in essential oil
How to Use
Apply a small amount to clean, dry lips. Re-apply as needed.
More Information
Sold in recyclable aluminium tin.